Dragon tiger It is the same card game, divided into 2 sides like baccarat. There will be Tiger side, Tiger side and Dragon side. Dragon will be dealt 1 card per side. Look at the win and loss from the number of points in the cards of each side. The A card is worth 1 point. The K card has 13 points and can be arrange like this: A – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 1 – J – Q – K.

how to play the game
Will have a dealer to deal cards, divide into two sides, one card per side will be dealt. And if which side has the most points. Or close to 13 points will be the winning side. Playing Tiger and Dragon in online casinos There will be a time to place bets for 22 seconds. or place bets at the specified time You will lose the right to play immediately. Let you wait to play in the next turn. It will take only 15 seconds to wait. Which side has more points? That side wins. สมัคร UFABET
Counting the scores of the Dragon Tiger
Counting the scores of the Dragon Tiger game There is a very easy way of counting. Based on the score according to the face of the card as follows
- A : It is worth 1 point.
- 2 – 10 : is equal to your face value
- J : is equal to 11 points
- Q : It is worth 12 points.
- K : The highest value equals 13 points.